[ Foro de Python ]
Alguien me puede ayudar pasando este código PHP a Python
//PHP program to find number of cells a queen can move
// with obstacles on the chessborad
// Return the number of position a Queen can move.
function numberofPosition($n, $k, $x, $y,
$obstPosx, $obstPosy)
// d11, d12, d21, d22 are for diagnoal distances.
// r1, r2 are for vertical distance.
// c1, c2 are for horizontal distance.
// Initialise the distance to end of the board.
$d11 = min( $x-1, $y-1 );
$d12 = min( $n-$x, $n-$y );
$d21 = min( $n-$x, $y-1 );
$d22 = min( $x-1, $n-$y );
$r1 = $y-1;
$r2 = $n-$y;
$c1 = $x-1;
$c2 = $n-$x;
// For each obstacle find the minimum distance.
// If obstacle is present in any direction,
// distance will be updated.
for ($i = 0; $i < $k; $i++)
if ( $x > $obstPosx[$i] && $y > $obstPosy[$i] &&
$x-$obstPosx[$i] == $y-$obstPosy[$i] )
$d11 = min($d11, $x-$obstPosx[$i]-1);
if ( $obstPosx[$i] > $x && $obstPosy[$i] > $y &&
$obstPosx[$i]-$x == $obstPosy[$i]-$y )
$d12 = min( $d12, $obstPosx[$i]-$x-1);
if ( $obstPosx[$i] > $x && $y > $obstPosy[$i] &&
$obstPosx[$i]-$x == $y-$obstPosy[$i] )
$d21 = min($d21, $obstPosx[$i]-$x-1);
if ( $x > $obstPosx[$i] && $obstPosy[$i] > $y &&
$x-$obstPosx[$i] == $obstPosy[$i]-$y )
$d22 = min($d22, $x-$obstPosx[$i]-1);
if ( $x == $obstPosx[$i] && $obstPosy[$i] < $y )
$r1 = min($r1, $y-$obstPosy[$i]-1);
if ( $x == $obstPosx[$i] && $obstPosy[$i] > $y )
$r2 = min($r2, $obstPosy[$i]-$y-1);
if ( $y == $obstPosy[$i] && $obstPosx[$i] < $x )
$c1 = min($c1, $x-$obstPosx[$i]-1);
if ( $y == $obstPosy[$i] && $obstPosx[$i] > $x )
$c2 = min($c2, $obstPosx[$i]-$x-1);
return $d11 + $d12 + $d21 + $d22 + $r1 + $r2 + $c1 + $c2;
// Driver code
$n = 8; // Chessboard size
$k = 1; // number of obstacles
$Qposx = 4; // Queen x position
$Qposy = 4; // Queen y position
$obstPosx = array(3 ); // x position of obstacles
$obstPosy = array(5 ); // y position of obstacles
echo numberofPosition($n, $k, $Qposx, $Qposy,
$obstPosx, $obstPosy);
(No se puede continuar esta discusión porque tiene más de dos meses de antigüedad. Si tienes dudas parecidas, abre un nuevo hilo.)