[ Foro de C ]
Ahí va el listado, donde esta el error, son las 1:AM, de la noche. Error en un código C, para LInux.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX 10
#define A "P"
#define B "Q"
int getRandom(int low, int high);
int getValidInteger(int low, int high);
unsigned int playerRoll(int low, int high);
void seed(void)
void space(unsigned int size) // create space
printf(" ");
char getDisplayType(unsigned int index, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) // check the index and return character
if (playerName != '#')
if (index == playerPosition)
return playerName;
if (index == 0)
return ('C');
if (index % 3 == 0)
if (index % 5 == 0)
if (index % 7 == 0)
else return ('L');
else return ('W');
if (index % 5 == 0)
if (index % 7 == 0)
else return ('L');
if (index % 7 == 0) {
else return (' ');
if (playerName == '#')
if (index == 0)
return ('C');
if (index % 3 == 0) {
if (index % 5 == 0) {
if (index % 7 == 0) {
else return ('L');
else return ('W');
if (index % 5 == 0) {
if (index % 7 == 0) {
else return ('L');
if (index % 7 == 0) {
return (' ');
void firstLine(unsigned int size) // create the upper line of the square for the first and last line
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf(" ___ ");
void secondLine(unsigned int size, unsigned int i, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) //create the inside and return the type for the first line
int x, j;
for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
x = j;
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(x, playerPosition, playerName));
void secondLine2nd(unsigned int size, unsigned int i, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) { //create the inside and return the type for the last line
int x, y, z;
y = 3 * (size - 1);
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(y, playerPosition, playerName));
for (i = 0; i < size - 2; i++)
z = 2 * (size - 1) + ((size - 2) - i);
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(z, playerPosition, playerName));
x = size + i;
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(x, playerPosition, playerName));
void thirdLine(unsigned int size) // create lower line for the first and last line
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
void upperrow(unsigned int size) // create the upper line for the square of the row
int i;
printf(" ___");
for (i = 0; i < size - 2; i++) {
printf(" ___");
void lowerrow(unsigned int size) //create the lower line for the square of the row
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size - 2; i++) {
void middlerow(unsigned int size, unsigned int i, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) //create the inside and return the type for the square of the row
int q, b, p;
b = i;
q = 3 * (size - 1) + ((size - 1) - i);
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(q, playerPosition, playerName));
for (b = 0; b < size - 2; b++) {
p = size - 1 + i;
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(p, playerPosition, playerName));
char getValidCharacter(char a, char b) //make sure the character input is right//
char c, choice;
do {
scanf_s("%c", &choice);
if ((choice != 'p' && choice != 'q' && choice != 'r' && choice != 's'))
printf("Invalid input, please try again: ");
} while (choice != 'p' && choice != 'q' && choice != 'r' && choice != 's');
return choice;
int getValidInteger(int low, int high) //validate the input number//
int a; int choice;
do {
a = scanf_s("%d", &choice);
if (choice <low || choice >high)
printf("Invalid input, please try again: ");
} while (choice < low || choice > high);
return choice;
int getRandom(int low, int high) //get a rando number
int a;
a = rand() % (high - low) + low;
return a;
unsigned int playerRoll(int low, int high) //prompt and output the roll
int a = 1, b, c, d, e, choice;
do {
printf("\nyour turn, how many dice will you roll : ");
scanf_s("%d", &choice);
if (choice == 1)
b = getRandom(low, high);
//printf("b: \n");
//scanf_s("%d", &b);
printf("You rolled %d\n", b);
printf("Advancing %d space\n", b);
a = 0;
return b;
else if (choice == 2)
c = getRandom(low, high);
//printf("c: ");
//scanf_s("%d", &c);
d = getRandom(low, high);
//printf("d: ");
//scanf_s("%d", &d);
b = c + d;
printf("You rolled %d %d\n ", c, d);
printf("Advancing %d space\n", b);
a = 0;
return b;
else if (choice == 3) {
c = getRandom(low, high);
d = getRandom(low, high);
e = getRandom(low, high);
b = c + d + e;
printf("You rolled %d %d %d\n ", c, d, e);
printf("Advancing %d space\n", b);
a = 0;
return b;
printf("Try again,");
} while (a = 1);
void winPrize(int playerPrizes[], unsigned int* prizeCount) //do the winprize function
int i;
unsigned int prize;
prize = getRandom(10, 100);
printf("%d\n", prize);
if (*prizeCount < MAX)
playerPrizes[*prizeCount] = prize;
printf("you won a prize of %d\n", prize);
*prizeCount = *prizeCount + 1;
printf("Your inventory is full \n");
void winGrandPrize(int playerPrizes[], unsigned int* prizeCount) // do the win grand prize function
int i;
unsigned int prize;
prize = getRandom(100, 200);
printf("%d\n", prize);
if (*prizeCount < MAX)
playerPrizes[*prizeCount] = prize;
printf("you won a grand prize of %d\n", prize);
*prizeCount = *prizeCount + 1;
printf("Your inventory is full ");
int loseItem(int playerPrizes[], unsigned int *prizeCount) // do the loseitem fuction
int i, j, k, r, ran = 2;
if (*prizeCount == 0)
printf("Nothing happened,Move On\n");
ran = getRandom(0, *prizeCount);
playerPrizes[ran] = 0;
*prizeCount = *prizeCount - 1;
printf("you lost the prize");
for (i = ran - 1; i < MAX; i++) //arange the array in order
for (j = i; j < MAX; j++)
if (playerPrizes[i] == 0)
k = playerPrizes[i];
playerPrizes[i] = playerPrizes[j];
playerPrizes[j] = k;
void initPlayer(int *playerScore, int playerPrizes[], unsigned int *prizeCount, char *playerName, int *playerPosition) //do the initplayer function, set everything to 0
int i;
playerPrizes[MAX] = 0;
*playerScore = 0;
printf("playerPrizes: %d\n", playerPrizes[MAX]);
*prizeCount = 0;
*playerPosition = 0;
printf("Enter Player ID: ");
scanf_s("%c", playerName);
void displayBoard(unsigned int size, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) //display the boardgame
int k, size1, loop;
float loop2, playerPosition1, size2;
//printf("player name in display board: %c\n", playerName);
//printf("%d\n", r);
//printf("%d", playerPosition);
playerPosition1 = (float)playerPosition;
size1 = (4 * (size - 1));
size2 = (float)size1;
//printf("size2: %.2f\n", size2);
// printf("playerPo1: %.2f\n", playerPosition1);
//playerPosition2 = float size;
//printf("playerPos: %d\n", playerPosition);
loop2 = playerPosition1 / size2;
loop = trunc(loop2);
k = playerPosition - (4 * (size - 1))*loop;
playerPosition = k;
int i = 0;
if (size == 1)
printf(" ___ \n");
printf(" | ? | \n");
printf(" |___|");
else {
for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
if (i == 0)
secondLine(size, i, playerPosition, playerName);
for (i = 1; i < size - 1; i++)
middlerow(size, i, playerPosition, playerName);
for (i = size - 2; i < size - 1; i++)
secondLine2nd(size, i, playerPosition, playerName);
int checkout(int *playerScore, int playerPrizes[], unsigned int* prizeCount) //do the checkout
int i;
for (i = 0; i < *prizeCount; i++)
*playerScore += playerPrizes[i];
*prizeCount = 0;
printf("You check out for $%d score is now: $%d \n", *playerScore, *playerScore);
if (*playerScore >= 200)
return 1;
return 0;
void playGame(unsigned int size, int *playerScore, int playerPrizes[], unsigned int *prizeCount, char *playerName, int* playerPosition) //play the game
printf("playerName in playgame %c\n", *playerName);
//printf("%d\n", *playerScore);
int i, l = 1;
while (l)
displayBoard(size, *playerPosition, *playerName);
printf("Score: %d inventory (%d items): ", *playerScore, *prizeCount);
for (i = 0; i < *prizeCount; i++) {
printf("%d, ", playerPrizes[i]);
*playerPosition = *playerPosition + playerRoll(1, 6);
if (*playerPosition >= 4 * (size - 1))
*playerPosition = *playerPosition - 4 * (size - 1);
//printf("player position in display %d\n", *playerPosition);
//printf("display type in play game: %c\n", getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#'));
//displayBoard(boardSize, playerPosition, playerName);
if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'G')
winGrandPrize(playerPrizes, prizeCount);
else if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'W')
winPrize(playerPrizes, prizeCount);
else if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'L')
loseItem(playerPrizes, prizeCount);
else if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'C')
if (checkout(playerScore, playerPrizes, prizeCount) == 1)
printf("You Win\n");
l = 0;
printf("nothing happens, go again.\n");
int main(void)
int i, l = 1;
char a, choice;
char c = '#';
int playerScore;
int playerPrizes[MAX];
unsigned int prizeCount;
char playerName;
unsigned int size;
unsigned int playerPosition;
printf("Welcome to CHECKOUT\n");
while (l) {
printf("Main Menu\n");
printf("p-(p)lay q-(q)uit r-inst(r)uctions s-HI(s)core: \n");
choice = getValidCharacter('P', 'Q');
if (choice == 'p') {
printf("Number of players is 1\n");
initPlayer(&playerScore, playerPrizes, &prizeCount, &playerName, &playerPosition);
printf("Enter board size: ");
scanf_s("%d", &size);
playGame(size, &playerScore, playerPrizes, &prizeCount, &playerName, &playerPosition);
if (choice == 's')
printf(" \\ ");
printf(" \\++++++|\n");
printf(" \\=====|\n");
printf(" 0--- 0\n");
printf("HI SCORE: %d Player Name: %c \n", playerScore, playerName);
if (choice == 'q')
printf("dont go, I will miss you :(");
l = 0;
hola iván
solo me ha dado tiempo de ver la función getDisplayType, y he dejado tus 60 líneas en 10, prueba a ver si es correcto
desde luego que el código tal cual lo pones sin tabular y sin comentarios queda un poco áspero
ya me dirás si funciona la versión simplificada de getDisplayType
saludos ;-)
hola iván
como dice el compilador
scanf_s y trunc no están definidos
y te marca rand por que siempre dará el mismo valor
ya que no tiene la semilla de srand
srand no funciona tal como lo tienes, cuando sale de la función deja de existir
suerte ;-)
(No se puede continuar esta discusión porque tiene más de dos meses de antigüedad. Si tienes dudas parecidas, abre un nuevo hilo.)