[ Foro de C ]
Problema listadillo de un videojuego basico bajado de github.com
Ahí va el código me da errores que no veo, por que soy aficionado avanzado en C/C++, no se perl de momento, el código de whois usa perl.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX 10
#define A "P"
#define B "Q"
int getRandom(int low, int high);
int getValidInteger(int low, int high);
unsigned int playerRoll(int low, int high);
void seed(void)
void space(unsigned int size) // create space
printf(" ");
char getDisplayType(unsigned int index, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) // check the index and return character
if (playerName != '#')
if (index == playerPosition)
return playerName;
if (index == 0)
return ('C');
if (index % 3 == 0)
if (index % 5 == 0)
if (index % 7 == 0)
else return ('L');
else return ('W');
if (index % 5 == 0)
if (index % 7 == 0)
else return ('L');
if (index % 7 == 0) {
else return (' ');
if (playerName == '#')
if (index == 0)
return ('C');
if (index % 3 == 0) {
if (index % 5 == 0) {
if (index % 7 == 0) {
else return ('L');
else return ('W');
if (index % 5 == 0) {
if (index % 7 == 0) {
else return ('L');
if (index % 7 == 0) {
return (' ');
void firstLine(unsigned int size) // create the upper line of the square for the first and last line
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf(" ___ ");
void secondLine(unsigned int size, unsigned int i, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) //create the inside and return the type for the first line
int x, j;
for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
x = j;
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(x, playerPosition, playerName));
void secondLine2nd(unsigned int size, unsigned int i, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) { //create the inside and return the type for the last line
int x, y, z;
y = 3 * (size - 1);
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(y, playerPosition, playerName));
for (i = 0; i < size - 2; i++)
z = 2 * (size - 1) + ((size - 2) - i);
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(z, playerPosition, playerName));
x = size + i;
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(x, playerPosition, playerName));
void thirdLine(unsigned int size) // create lower line for the first and last line
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
void upperrow(unsigned int size) // create the upper line for the square of the row
int i;
printf(" ___");
for (i = 0; i < size - 2; i++) {
printf(" ___");
void lowerrow(unsigned int size) //create the lower line for the square of the row
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size - 2; i++) {
void middlerow(unsigned int size, unsigned int i, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) //create the inside and return the type for the square of the row
int q, b, p;
b = i;
q = 3 * (size - 1) + ((size - 1) - i);
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(q, playerPosition, playerName));
for (b = 0; b < size - 2; b++) {
p = size - 1 + i;
printf("| %c |", getDisplayType(p, playerPosition, playerName));
char getValidCharacter(char a, char b) //make sure the character input is right//
char c, choice;
do {
scanf_s("%c", &choice);
if ((choice != 'p' && choice != 'q' && choice != 'r' && choice != 's'))
printf("Invalid input, please try again: ");
} while (choice != 'p' && choice != 'q' && choice != 'r' && choice != 's');
return choice;
int getValidInteger(int low, int high) //validate the input number//
int a; int choice;
do {
a = scanf_s("%d", &choice);
if (choice <low || choice >high)
printf("Invalid input, please try again: ");
} while (choice < low || choice > high);
return choice;
int getRandom(int low, int high) //get a rando number
int a;
a = rand() % (high - low) + low;
return a;
unsigned int playerRoll(int low, int high) //prompt and output the roll
int a = 1, b, c, d, e, choice;
do {
printf("\nyour turn, how many dice will you roll : ");
scanf_s("%d", &choice);
if (choice == 1)
b = getRandom(low, high);
//printf("b: \n");
//scanf_s("%d", &b);
printf("You rolled %d\n", b);
printf("Advancing %d space\n", b);
a = 0;
return b;
else if (choice == 2)
c = getRandom(low, high);
//printf("c: ");
//scanf_s("%d", &c);
d = getRandom(low, high);
//printf("d: ");
//scanf_s("%d", &d);
b = c + d;
printf("You rolled %d %d\n ", c, d);
printf("Advancing %d space\n", b);
a = 0;
return b;
else if (choice == 3) {
c = getRandom(low, high);
d = getRandom(low, high);
e = getRandom(low, high);
b = c + d + e;
printf("You rolled %d %d %d\n ", c, d, e);
printf("Advancing %d space\n", b);
a = 0;
return b;
printf("Try again,");
} while (a = 1);
void winPrize(int playerPrizes[], unsigned int* prizeCount) //do the winprize function
int i;
unsigned int prize;
prize = getRandom(10, 100);
printf("%d\n", prize);
if (*prizeCount < MAX)
playerPrizes[*prizeCount] = prize;
printf("you won a prize of %d\n", prize);
*prizeCount = *prizeCount + 1;
printf("Your inventory is full \n");
void winGrandPrize(int playerPrizes[], unsigned int* prizeCount) // do the win grand prize function
int i;
unsigned int prize;
prize = getRandom(100, 200);
printf("%d\n", prize);
if (*prizeCount < MAX)
playerPrizes[*prizeCount] = prize;
printf("you won a grand prize of %d\n", prize);
*prizeCount = *prizeCount + 1;
printf("Your inventory is full ");
int loseItem(int playerPrizes[], unsigned int *prizeCount) // do the loseitem fuction
int i, j, k, r, ran = 2;
if (*prizeCount == 0)
printf("Nothing happened,Move On\n");
ran = getRandom(0, *prizeCount);
playerPrizes[ran] = 0;
*prizeCount = *prizeCount - 1;
printf("you lost the prize");
for (i = ran - 1; i < MAX; i++) //arange the array in order
for (j = i; j < MAX; j++)
if (playerPrizes[i] == 0)
k = playerPrizes[i];
playerPrizes[i] = playerPrizes[j];
playerPrizes[j] = k;
void initPlayer(int *playerScore, int playerPrizes[], unsigned int *prizeCount, char *playerName, int *playerPosition) //do the initplayer function, set everything to 0
int i;
playerPrizes[MAX] = 0;
*playerScore = 0;
printf("playerPrizes: %d\n", playerPrizes[MAX]);
*prizeCount = 0;
*playerPosition = 0;
printf("Enter Player ID: ");
scanf_s("%c", playerName);
void displayBoard(unsigned int size, unsigned int playerPosition, char playerName) //display the boardgame
int k, size1, loop;
float loop2, playerPosition1, size2;
//printf("player name in display board: %c\n", playerName);
//printf("%d\n", r);
//printf("%d", playerPosition);
playerPosition1 = (float)playerPosition;
size1 = (4 * (size - 1));
size2 = (float)size1;
//printf("size2: %.2f\n", size2);
// printf("playerPo1: %.2f\n", playerPosition1);
//playerPosition2 = float size;
//printf("playerPos: %d\n", playerPosition);
loop2 = playerPosition1 / size2;
loop = trunc(loop2);
k = playerPosition - (4 * (size - 1))*loop;
playerPosition = k;
int i = 0;
if (size == 1)
printf(" ___ \n");
printf(" | ? | \n");
printf(" |___|");
else {
for (i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
if (i == 0)
secondLine(size, i, playerPosition, playerName);
for (i = 1; i < size - 1; i++)
middlerow(size, i, playerPosition, playerName);
for (i = size - 2; i < size - 1; i++)
secondLine2nd(size, i, playerPosition, playerName);
int checkout(int *playerScore, int playerPrizes[], unsigned int* prizeCount) //do the checkout
int i;
for (i = 0; i < *prizeCount; i++)
*playerScore += playerPrizes[i];
*prizeCount = 0;
printf("You check out for $%d score is now: $%d \n", *playerScore, *playerScore);
if (*playerScore >= 200)
return 1;
return 0;
void playGame(unsigned int size, int *playerScore, int playerPrizes[], unsigned int *prizeCount, char *playerName, int* playerPosition) //play the game
printf("playerName in playgame %c\n", *playerName);
//printf("%d\n", *playerScore);
int i, l = 1;
while (l)
displayBoard(size, *playerPosition, *playerName);
printf("Score: %d inventory (%d items): ", *playerScore, *prizeCount);
for (i = 0; i < *prizeCount; i++) {
printf("%d, ", playerPrizes[i]);
*playerPosition = *playerPosition + playerRoll(1, 6);
if (*playerPosition >= 4 * (size - 1))
*playerPosition = *playerPosition - 4 * (size - 1);
//printf("player position in display %d\n", *playerPosition);
//printf("display type in play game: %c\n", getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#'));
//displayBoard(boardSize, playerPosition, playerName);
if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'G')
winGrandPrize(playerPrizes, prizeCount);
else if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'W')
winPrize(playerPrizes, prizeCount);
else if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'L')
loseItem(playerPrizes, prizeCount);
else if (getDisplayType(*playerPosition, *playerPosition, '#') == 'C')
if (checkout(playerScore, playerPrizes, prizeCount) == 1)
printf("You Win\n");
l = 0;
printf("nothing happens, go again.\n");
int main(void)
int i, l = 1;
char a, choice;
char c = '#';
int playerScore;
int playerPrizes[MAX];
unsigned int prizeCount;
char playerName;
unsigned int size;
unsigned int playerPosition;
printf("Welcome to CHECKOUT\n");
while (l) {
printf("Main Menu\n");
printf("p-(p)lay q-(q)uit r-inst(r)uctions s-HI(s)core: \n");
choice = getValidCharacter('P', 'Q');
if (choice == 'p') {
printf("Number of players is 1\n");
initPlayer(&playerScore, playerPrizes, &prizeCount, &playerName, &playerPosition);
printf("Enter board size: ");
scanf_s("%d", &size);
playGame(size, &playerScore, playerPrizes, &prizeCount, &playerName, &playerPosition);
if (choice == 's')
printf(" \\ ");
printf(" \\++++++|\n");
printf(" \\=====|\n");
printf(" 0--- 0\n");
printf("HI SCORE: %d Player Name: %c \n", playerScore, playerName);
if (choice == 'q')
printf("dont go, I will miss you :(");
l = 0;
(No se puede continuar esta discusión porque tiene más de dos meses de antigüedad. Si tienes dudas parecidas, abre un nuevo hilo.)