[ Foro de Java ]


18-Oct-2022 20:40
Invitado (AyalaMer)
0 Respuestas

Tengo este error con el metodo PrintF en Java. Estoy programando con el IDE Eclipse

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
The method printf(String, Object[]) in the type PrintStream is not applicable for the arguments (String, double)
The method printf(String, Object[]) in the type PrintStream is not applicable for the arguments (String, int)
The method printf(String, Object[]) in the type PrintStream is not applicable for the arguments (String, double)
The method printf(String, Object[]) in the type PrintStream is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)

at org.ip.sesion01.Circunferencia.main(Circunferencia.java:14)

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