[ Foro de Python ]


22-Jul-2024 16:51
Invitado (Damian)
0 Respuestas

Ya he intentado hacer esto muchas veces

Plot two functions, add a legend and color the plots so we know which one is which. Use matplotlib to plot the output of ????2+3?????????????(????) which is saved in the variable ???? and plot the output of ????2+3+????????????(????) which is saved in the below variable called ????2 , all on the same plot. Name first plot as "subtracting log" and second plot as "adding log" Title the plot "Plot of ????=????2+3?????????????(????) and ????=????2+3+????????????(????) ".(Hint: use LaTex) Label the x-axis as "x". Label the y-axis as "y". Change the color of the plot for y2 to red.

Pero siempre  marca este error
AssertionError: 'Plot of $y = x^2 + 3 - log(x)$' != 'Plot of $y = x^2 + 3 - log(x)$ and $y = x^2 + 3 + log(x)$' - Plot of $y = x^2 + 3 - log(x)$ + Plot of $y = x^2 + 3 - log(x)$ and $y = x^2 + 3 + log(x)$  : The title is incorrect or missing

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