[ Foro de Python ]

Como se podría aumentar a 5 regiones de interés

01-Sep-2021 01:13
Invitado (DD)
0 Respuestas

video = cv2.VideoCapture("./Videoplestimografia/02_02_2021/1080P/VID_20210202_090214.mp4")

shape_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor("./shape_predictor/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat")

prototxtPath = "./Face-Mask-Detection-master/face_detector/deploy.prototxt"
weightsPath = "./Face-Mask-Detection-master/face_detector/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000.caffemodel"
face_detector = cv2.dnn.readNet(prototxtPath, weightsPath)

model = load_model("./Face-Mask-Detection-master/mask_detector.model")

(major_ver, minor_ver, subminor_ver) = (cv2.__version__).split('.')

if int(major_ver)  < 3 :
   fps_original = round(video.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS))
   print("Frames per second using video.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS): {0}".format(fps_original))
else :
   fps_original = round(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS))
   print("Frames per second using video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) : {0}".format(fps_original))

frame_count = 0
timestamps = []
settings = Settings()
fftlength = 70

# used to record the time when we processed last frame
prev_frame_time = 0

# used to record the time at which we processed current frame
new_frame_time = 0

rPPG_roi1 = []
rPPG_roi2 = []
prev_face = {}
prev_roi1 = {}
prev_roi2 = {}

R, G, B = [0, 1, 2]

band_hr = [40, 240]
band_rr = [10, 40]

state_mask = None

   # Capture frame-by-frame
   ret, frame = video.read()
   if not ret: break
   frame = cv2.resize(frame, (256, 256))
   # Conseguir señales rbg del tamaño original del frame
   (h, w) = frame.shape[:2]
   #//////////////////////////////// Revisar posible sobrante
   bpm = 0
   new_frame_time = time.time()
   dt = new_frame_time - prev_frame_time
   fps_real_time = 1/(dt)
   prev_frame_time = new_frame_time
   if len(timestamps) == 0:
       timestamps.append(timestamps[-1] + dt)
   real_fps.value = 'FPS : ' + str(int(fps_real_time))
   rPPG1_roi1 = []
   rPPG1_roi2 = []
   blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1.0, (300, 300), (104.0, 177.0, 123.0))
   detections = face_detector.forward()
   for i in range(0, detections.shape[2]): #Caras encontradas iteración
       confidence = detections[0, 0, i, 2]
       if confidence > 0.5:
           box = detections[0, 0, i, 3:7] * np.array([w, h, w, h])
           (startX, startY, endX, endY) = np.round(box).astype('int')
           face = dlib.rectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY)
           gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
           shape = shape_predictor(gray, face)
           prev_face = {"x1": face.left(), "y1": face.top(), "x2": face.right(), "y2": face.bottom()}
           if state_mask == None:
               face_frame = frame[startY:endY, startX:endX]
               face_frame = cv2.cvtColor(face_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
               face_frame = cv2.resize(face_frame, (224, 224))
               face_frame = img_to_array(face_frame)
               face_frame =  preprocess_input(face_frame)
               face_frame = np.expand_dims(face_frame, axis=0)
               preds = model.predict(face_frame)
               state_mask = "with_mask" if preds[0].argmax(axis=-1) == 0 else "without_mask"
           if state_mask == "with_mask":
               #with mask
               prev_roi1 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(20-1).x, "y1": shape.part(20-1).y - abs(shape.part(29-1).y - shape.part(31-1).y),
                   "x2": shape.part(22-1).x, "y2": shape.part(20-1).y
               prev_roi2 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(23-1).x, "y1": shape.part(25-1).y - abs(shape.part(29-1).y - shape.part(31-1).y),
                   "x2": shape.part(25-1).x, "y2": shape.part(25-1).y
               avg_width = round((abs(prev_roi1["x1"] - prev_roi1["x2"]) + abs(prev_roi2["x1"] - prev_roi2["x2"])) / 2)
               avg_height = round((abs(prev_roi1["y1"] - prev_roi1["y2"]) + abs(prev_roi2["y1"] - prev_roi2["y2"])) / 2)
               prev_roi1 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(20-1).x, "y1": prev_roi1["y1"],
                   "x2": prev_roi1["x1"] + avg_width, "y2": prev_roi1["y1"] + avg_height
               prev_roi2 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(23-1).x, "y1": prev_roi2["y1"],
                   "x2": prev_roi2["x1"] + avg_width, "y2": prev_roi2["y1"] + avg_height
               #without mask
               # Que tome las 5 regiones de interes
               prev_roi1 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(37-1).x, "y1": shape.part(29-1).y,
                   "x2": shape.part(40-1).x, "y2": shape.part(31-1).y
               prev_roi2 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(43-1).x, "y1": shape.part(29-1).y,
                   "x2": shape.part(46-1).x, "y2": shape.part(31-1).y
               avg_width = round((abs(prev_roi1["x1"] - prev_roi1["x2"]) + abs(prev_roi2["x1"] - prev_roi2["x2"])) / 2)
               avg_height = round((abs(prev_roi1["y1"] - prev_roi1["y2"]) + abs(prev_roi2["y1"] - prev_roi2["y2"])) / 2)
               prev_roi1 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(37-1).x, "y1": shape.part(29-1).y,
                   "x2": prev_roi1["x1"] + avg_width, "y2": prev_roi1["y1"] + avg_height
               prev_roi2 = {
                   "x1": shape.part(43-1).x, "y1": shape.part(29-1).y,
                   "x2": prev_roi2["x1"] + avg_width, "y2": prev_roi2["y1"] + avg_height

   ### Skin

   roi1 = frame[prev_roi1["y1"]:prev_roi1["y2"], prev_roi1["x1"]:prev_roi1["x2"]]
   roi2 = frame[prev_roi2["y1"]:prev_roi2["y2"], prev_roi2["x1"]:prev_roi2["x2"]]
   b_roi1, g_roi1, r_roi1 = cv2.split(roi1)
   r_mean_roi1 = np.mean(r_roi1)
   g_mean_roi1 = np.mean(g_roi1)
   b_mean_roi1 = np.mean(b_roi1)
   ppg_roi1 = [r_mean_roi1, g_mean_roi1, b_mean_roi1]
   for i, col in enumerate(ppg_roi1):
       if math.isnan(col):
           ppg_roi1[i] = 0
   b_roi2, g_roi2, r_roi2 = cv2.split(roi2)
   r_mean_roi2 = np.mean(r_roi2)
   g_mean_roi2 = np.mean(g_roi2)
   b_mean_roi2 = np.mean(b_roi2)
   ppg_roi2 = [r_mean_roi2, g_mean_roi2, b_mean_roi2]
   for i, col in enumerate(ppg_roi2):
       if math.isnan(col):
           ppg_roi2[i] = 0
   rPPG1_roi1 = np.transpose(rPPG_roi1)
   rPPG1_roi2 = np.transpose(rPPG_roi2)
   if rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] > 10 and rPPG1_roi2.shape[1] > 10:
       if rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] < 70 and rPPG1_roi2.shape[1] < 70:
           #heart_rate = np.zeros(int(fftlength/2) + 1)
           #respiratory_rate = np.zeros(int(fftlength/2) + 1)
           heart_rate = 0
           respiratory_rate = 0
           spo2 = 0
           if rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] == rPPG1_roi2.shape[1] and rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] % 7 == 0 and rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] % 10 == 0:
               fftlength = rPPG1_roi1.shape[1]
               #f = np.linspace(0, fps_original/2, int(fftlength/2) + 1) * 60
           fft_roi = range(int(fftlength/2) + 1) # We only care about this part of the fft because it is symmetric anyway
           bpf_div= 60 * fps_original / 2
           #skin_vec = [1, 0.66667, 0.5]
           skin_vec = [0.7682, 0.5121, 0.3841]
           values_by_roi = {"X_chrom": [], "Y_chrom": [], "hr": [], "snr": [], "psd": []}
           for rPPG_roi in [rPPG1_roi1, rPPG1_roi2]:
               if settings.use_resampling :
                   t = np.arange(0, timestamps[-1], 1/fps_original)
                   rPPG_resampled= np.zeros((3, t.shape[0]))
                   for col in [0, 1, 2]:
                       rPPG_resampled[col] = np.interp(t, timestamps, rPPG_roi[col])
                   rPPG_roi = rPPG_resampled
               col_c = np.zeros((3, fftlength))
               for col in [R, G, B]:
                   col_stride = rPPG_roi[col, -fftlength:]# select last samples
                   y_ACDC = signal.detrend(col_stride / np.mean(col_stride))
                   col_c[col] = y_ACDC * skin_vec[col]
               X_chrom = col_c[R] - col_c[G]
               Y_chrom = col_c[R] + col_c[G] - 2 * col_c[B]
               coef_vector_hr = signal.butter(5, ([band_hr[0]/bpf_div, band_hr[1]/bpf_div]),  'bandpass')
               Xf_hr = signal.filtfilt(*coef_vector_hr, X_chrom) # Applies band pass filter
               Yf_hr = signal.filtfilt(*coef_vector_hr, Y_chrom)
               alpha_CHROM_hr = np.std(Xf_hr) / np.std(Yf_hr)
               x_stride_method_hr = Xf_hr - alpha_CHROM_hr * Yf_hr
               f_hr, psd_hr = signal.welch(x_stride_method_hr, fs=fps_original, nperseg=(fftlength / 2 + 1))
               heart_rate = int(f_hr[np.argmax(psd_hr)] * 60)
               #STFT_hr = np.fft.fft(x_stride_method_hr, fftlength)[fft_roi]
               #heart_rate = np.abs(STFT_hr)/np.max(np.abs(STFT_hr))
               #snr = signaltonoise(heart_rate)
               snr = signaltonoise(x_stride_method_hr)
           X_chrom = values_by_roi["X_chrom"][np.argmax(values_by_roi["snr"])]
           Y_chrom = values_by_roi["Y_chrom"][np.argmax(values_by_roi["snr"])]
           heart_rate = values_by_roi["hr"][np.argmax(values_by_roi["snr"])]
           coef_vector_rr = signal.butter(5, ([band_rr[0]/bpf_div, band_rr[1]/bpf_div]),  'bandpass')
           Xf_rr = signal.filtfilt(*coef_vector_rr, X_chrom) # Applies band pass filter
           Yf_rr = signal.filtfilt(*coef_vector_rr, Y_chrom)
           alpha_CHROM_rr = np.std(Xf_rr) / np.std(Yf_rr)
           x_stride_method_rr = Xf_rr - alpha_CHROM_rr * Yf_rr
           f_rr, psd_rr = signal.welch(x_stride_method_rr, fs=fps_original, nperseg=(fftlength / 2 + 1))
           respiratory_rate = int(f_rr[np.argmax(psd_rr)] * 60)
           #STFT_rr = np.fft.fft(x_stride_method_rr, fftlength)[fft_roi]
           #respiratory_rate = np.abs(STFT_rr)/np.max(np.abs(STFT_rr))
           if np.argmax(values_by_roi["psd"]) == 0:
               red_values = rPPG1_roi1[0, -fftlength:]
               blue_values = rPPG1_roi1[2, -fftlength:]
               red_values = rPPG1_roi2[0, -fftlength:]
               blue_values = rPPG1_roi2[2, -fftlength:]
           ac_red = np.std(red_values)
           ac_blue = np.std(blue_values)
           dc_red = np.mean(red_values)
           dc_blue = np.mean(blue_values)
           spo2 = 125 - 26 * ((ac_red / dc_red) / (ac_blue / dc_blue))
       #bpm = f[np.argmax(heart_rate)]
       bpm = min(max(heart_rate, band_hr[0]), band_hr[1])
       frequency_pr.value = 'Heart rate = ' + str(round(bpm)) + ' BPM'
       #rpm = f[np.argmax(respiratory_rate)]
       rpm = min(max(respiratory_rate, band_rr[0]), band_rr[1])
       frequency_rr.value = 'Respiration rate = ' + str(round(rpm)) + ' RPM'
       spo2 = min(max(spo2, 0), 100)
       spo2_label.value = 'SPO2 = ' + str(int(round(spo2))) + ' %'
   '''if rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] == fftlength + 1:
       print('values_by_roi["snr"] =', values_by_roi["snr"])
       print('np.argmax(values_by_roi["snr"]) =', np.argmax(values_by_roi["snr"]))
       print('values_by_roi["psd"] =', values_by_roi["psd"])
       print('np.argmax(values_by_roi["psd"]) =', np.argmax(values_by_roi["psd"]))
       #print('values_by_roi["hr"] =', values_by_roi["hr"])
       #print('len(heart_rate) =', len(heart_rate))
       #print('len(respiratory_rate) =', len(respiratory_rate))
       #print('np.argmax(heart_rate) =', np.argmax(heart_rate))
       #print('np.argmax(respiratory_rate) =', np.argmax(respiratory_rate))
       #print('time in seconds =', str(timestamps[-1]))
       #print('bpm =', bpm)
       #print('rpm =', rpm)'''
   if rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] == rPPG1_roi2.shape[1] and rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] % (fps_original * 60) == 0:
       print('minute = ', str(rPPG1_roi1.shape[1] / fps_original / 60))
       print('time in seconds =', str(round(timestamps[-1])))
       print('bpm =', bpm)
       print('rpm =', rpm)
       print('spo2 =', spo2)
   frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
   cv2.rectangle(frame, (prev_face["x1"], prev_face["y1"]), (prev_face["x2"], prev_face["y2"]), (0, 255, 0), 2)
   cv2.rectangle(frame, (prev_roi1["x1"], prev_roi1["y1"]), (prev_roi1["x2"], prev_roi1["y2"]), (0, 0, 255), 2)
   cv2.rectangle(frame, (prev_roi2["x1"], prev_roi2["y1"]), (prev_roi2["x2"], prev_roi2["y2"]), (0, 0, 255), 2)

   im_out = PIL.Image.fromarray(frame)
   #im_out = im_out.resize((256, 256))
   output_frame = io.BytesIO()
   im_out.save(output_frame, format='png')
   output_video.value = output_frame.getvalue()
   if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

(No se puede continuar esta discusión porque tiene más de dos meses de antigüedad. Si tienes dudas parecidas, abre un nuevo hilo.)